St. Matthew the Apostle
Episcopal Church
St. Matthew the Apostle – 2023 Hero Hotline VBS
Parent/Guardian Agreement and Release from Liability
St. Matthew the Apostle – 2023 Hero Hotline VBS
Parent/Guardian Agreement and Release from Liability
I, the undersigned, hereby grant my child (full name) __________________________________ permission to participate in St. Matthew the Apostle Hero Hotline VBS (Camp), June 12 - 16, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., being sponsored by St. Matthew Church. I agree to the following conditions:
1.Daily Schedule: Campers may be dropped off by 8:30 AM Monday through Friday. Campers must be picked up by 12:30PM Monday through Thursday. On Friday parents are invited to join the camp and participate in games and activities at 11:00AM. There will be a potluck lunch and awards from 12:00 to 1:30. There is no supervised child care available before or after these camp hours.
2.Food Allergies: A snack will be served daily during camp. If your child has food allergies, please alert the camp organizers on the camp registration form. We recommend that you pack an allergen free snack for your child. Water bottle filling stations will be provided.
3.What to Bring: All campers will be outdoors for part of the Camp and should apply sunblock at home. Please, label all your child’s belongings so they don’t get lost. Sneakers are required for everyone because we will be playing outdoor games in the field. Please, NO slides or flip flops. Do not bring electronics or valuables.
4.COVID – Precautions: If your child is sniffling, coughing or sick, do not send them to camp. We will be monitoring the status of COVID in our community and will follow local guidelines. You and your child are welcome to wear a mask. By sending your child to camp you confirm that you accept the inherent risk of COVID infection from community events and group activities.
5.Physical Activity: Outdoor activities, games and sports come with some inherent risks of injury. By allowing your child to participate in the Camp activities you accept these risks and confirm that your child has no underlying health concerns that would limit their full participation. Parents are responsible for completing the registration form accurately, so they can be contacted in case of an emergency.
6.Media: Camp activities will be captured by our camp volunteers with video and still cameras to share with the parents and members of the church after camp ends and on the St. Matthew webpage, Facebook and Instagram. A WhatsApp parent group will be used to notify parents of camp schedules, share pictures and send reminders.
Parent/Guardian Attestation: I _________________________________ have read the points listed above and agree to them. I will not hold the Church or the camp organizers liable for loss, theft or damage to my child’s personal property. I will not hold St. Matthew Church or the Camp organizers and volunteers liable, if my child is exposed to COVID or becomes infected with COVID during the camp. I authorize the sponsors of this event to provide local first aide for minor injuries. In the case of an emergency, I give consent to any emergency medical treatment and care deemed necessary. I also agree to allow St. Matthew Church to use videos and images taken of my child or myself during Hero Hotline VBS to promote the church on the website, social media and printed materials.
By my signature to this statement of agreement, I hereby agree to release and hold harmless St. Matthew Church and the individual sponsor(s) from all liability of injury or mishap to my child named above while attending this activity.
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________ Date________________