St. Matthew the Apostle
Episcopal Church
Holy Eucharist Live in the Sanctuary
10:00 am
Youtube link for 10 AM service:
Sunday Eucharist
We gather for worship on Sundays at 10 AM, for the celebration of Holy Eucharist (Mass). The service includes organ and vocal music led by a cantor, as well as congregational singing of traditional hymns. Music is an integral part of worship at St. Matthew’s and is one of the means by which we enter into the beauty of Holiness, where we listen to the Holy Spirit and experience the grandeur of God.
Children of all ages are welcome. Children attending Sunday School during the service return to the Church in time to receive Holy Communion. If you have a little one that needs attention during the service, we offer a sound-proof room with a full view of the church where parents can fully participate in the ongoing service while having the freedom to tend to their children.
Every Sunday morning, refreshments are offered in Parish Hall after the service.
Evening Prayer
During Advent or Lent, opportunities arise to gather once a week, online, for Evening Prayer (BCP 117) or Compline (BCP 127).
Lectors are people who read the Old and New Testament lessons so that the congregation can hear the Word of God in a lively and meaningful manner. Lay Readers must know beforehand the Scriptures they are to present, so they can spend time “reading, marking, learning and inwardly digesting them” (Collect for Proper 28, BCP) in order to be effective communicators of their meaning.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild enhances the worship of the people of God in a quiet ministry by setting up altar linens, vestments, altar vessels for services and by maintaining the same in proper order. The members coordinate with clergy for special services, and provide training for new members. Services provided by the altar guild are: washing and ironing altar linens; polishing silver and brass vessels; setting up linens, vestments, and vessels for services, and ensuring that items are properly cleaned and stored after use.
Ushers greet members of the congregation and welcome visitors. They assist people in obtaining seats, and try to maintain an atmosphere of both welcome and quiet worship before services begin. During the service, the ushers collect the offerings, and direct people to the front to receive Communion.